We've been putting a dog soap in our barns as part of our welcome for some time and we've had some really good feedback about it, we've just received this one from Jennie Comley: "We have been extremely lucky in as much that neither of the dogs have rolled in the desirable badger perfume since our return from Helsbury; and we are not habitual dog bathers! That was until yesterday, Buntie really perfected the art !!!!!! When it is that bad, I find sometimes after drying I still need to rub her with a little lavender oil, as the eau de badger still lingers, but with your soap it was not necessary. I think using a bar rather tipping from a bottle, we either use less or it certainly seemed not to lather up so much, thus making rinsing a much easier task and all these days later Buntie's coat is still beautifully shiny, very soft AND still sweet smelling. Yep I am impressed!!!"
You can purchase the soap from So Soapy's web site.