Nov 28, 2011

Helsbury Dog Photo Competition 2012 Entry 18

There are times when we get feedback which just blows us away, and this is one of those times, some lovely photos and a poem no less!!

Helsbury Park – a piece of Doggie Heaven,
We are used to lovely place as we live on the coast in Devon!
But at Helsbury Park, WOW, what can we say,
It had everything and more for us to do each and every day!

We’d be up bright and early - first ones at the door,
Out through the paddock, eager to explore!
Running through the meadow, roaming the woods, splashing in the river,
Mum taking lots of photos, something about a ‘competition winner’?

Back to the cottage for a drink and some cookie treats – a gift from Leza and Dave,                     
We both agreed that they were yummy and now our definite fave!
Off out to the beaches to frolic in the sand and sea,
Daymer Bay and Rock were amazing and Padstow had plenty to do and see!

Sleepy and content by the fire while the girls went to the pool for a swim,
Either Mum preparing dinner or we all dined out at the local Inn!
Every day an adventure, even better than the one before,
We loved every minute and wanted to stay for more!

Then sadly, we watched Mum pack our things away,
Our holiday had come to an end, a very very sad day!
But now we are happy and full of celebrations,
We’re coming back next year – hurray – love Esmee & Lyra the Dalmatians!!

The humans loved it too and walked around Helsbury with smiles on their faces,
For doggies and their owners it really is the very best of places!